"Brilliant! A must read! Author, scholar and seeker Ruth Mierswa says in the very beginning of her new book, 'You came into this life for two reasons--one is to help people and the other is to change your weaknesses into strengths.' After reading the rest of 'WHO YOU ARE and WHY YOU ARE HERE,' this reviewer found a pathway to accomplish both. Using the Seven Rays from the Alice Bailey series (but offering understanding in a clearer and more concise fashion) Ms. Mierswa brings all disciplines together while lifting them to a higher level...and she also shows how the reader can be lifted to a higher level, too. 'WHO YOU ARE and WHY YOU ARE HERE' enables you to find your personality ray and soul ray which identifies, with copious details, your life purpose and peronality type. It was ntriguing for this reviewer that I, a Pisces, have both a ray 1 soul and personality. I discovered much about myself, especially that my character weaknesses (and there are many) can be transmuted into strengths--and Ruth Mierswa told me how! And so it is for all signs. You'll be shown how to rid yourself of anger, guilt, and other harmful emotions on both a conscious and unconscious level. Ruth Mierswa has given us a book that answers many of your 'why' questions e.g. why some people are born talented or with a superior intellect. 'WHO YOU ARE and WHY YOU ARE HERE' identifies your level of evolvement and gives you the means to evolve higher. In the doing, by changing weaknesses into strengths, you'll be better able to help humankind--and that's why we're here!"--Richard Fuller, METAPHYSICAL REVIEWS
The following quote induced Mierswa to read "Seat of the Soul" and finding it was on the best-selling list for 106 weeks, realized that millions of people are now ready for "Who You Are and Why You Are Here" because it starts where "Seat of the Soul" leaves off. Author Zukov says that one should use will power to refrain from expressing anger. Not to express anger is wise, but much wiser is not to get angry in the first place. "Who You Are and Why You Are Here" shows how with copious details.To consciously forget one's anger would only push it into the unconscious, causing health and/or nervous problems. "Who You Are and Why You Are Here" shows how to totally get rid of anger and guilt on both conscious and unconscious levels.
"Not since I've read 'The Road Less Travelled' and 'The Seat of the Soul,' have I had a book impact on my life to the degree your book, 'Who You Are and Why You Are Here' has. I could hardly put it down! I have been trained in the holistic perspective to social and individual problems. Yet, I have been continually frustrated at the lack of teaching regarding the soul's evolution and the importance of finding one's Life Purpose. Since reading your book, I am no longer confused, but am excited at having found tools for transformation. I now feel inspired and full of hope. Thank you for your love of humanity, your perseverance, and the courage to stand alone as a pioneer."--social worker Christine Van Heerden, Rochester, NY
Claire Evans, England, wrote that she had been searching for answers to spiritual questions for years and read more than 100 spiritual books and attended 12 spiritual workshops with no help, yet found answers to all her questions in "Who You Are and Why You Are Here."
"My life has turned completely around from the information in this book. In the past I was so frustrated that I felt I couldn't go on any longer, but now am happier than I have ever been and am uplifting others the way I was helped."--Irene Bouchard, Naples, NY
"Finally, after years of searching for my Soul's Purpose, I've found it after reading Ruth Mierswa's book, "Who You Are and Why You Are Here." For the past 18 1/2 years of my incarceration, I've searched to find my Soul's Purpose. I am now beginning my purpose. I strongly believe that this book, if applied to this country's prison population, will do a world of good. Imagine sharing this book to our troubled youths in detention centers and schools! I'm soon to be released and now have the tools to stay out, succeed and guide many others. Thank you, Ruth. You are truly a Soul Guide."--Daniel Tanguma # 47716, 12120 Savage Dr., Midway, TX 75852
Nancy Piccarreto, Rochester, NY became very ill, but after using the concepts in this book, her health has not only improved, but she is also helping others the way this information aided her.
A reader from England requested an individual tape for her son who was in a gang. Later, she wrote that because of the book and tape, her son, every evening instead of going out with his gang friends, would go to his room and say, "I'm going to listen to my friend" and play the tape. His mother refused permission to publicize his name, stating, "We are very private people."
"This book has changed my life. I spent over a year filling out personality questionnaires and assessments, but couldn't get any closer to finding my life purpose! I even tried hypnosis and could only get vague answers. And numerology named things I could do well, but not a life purpose. Finally, I found and read this book and got in touch with the truth about myself. The book described not only my life purpose (what I'm here to do that no one else can do quite like me), but also my personality and my character weaknesses. Before this book, I wasn't really into astrology, but the book helped to open my eyes to the proof that Ray-Centered astrology is accurate."--L. Kuku, Toronto, ON Canada
"'WHO YOU ARE and WHY YOU ARE HERE 'provides a valuable resource for people searching for a means of viewing the wholistic value of their lives. It is one of those rare books that gives meaningful insight into life's purpose."--Presidential candidate Dr. John Hagelin, Fairfield, Iowa
"'Who You Are and Why You Are Here' is an astrology-based spiritual book that emphasizes self-knowledge and self-actualization in order to build confidence. Some people may dismiss this book as new-age hype, but its messages are strong and positive. Self-confidence and awareness, emotional stability and spirituality are stressed throughout."--YOUTH TODAY newspaper, Washington, DC
"Provides keys to self-knowledge and self-actualization. It uses astrology, yet no knowledge of astrology is necessary to find your Soul's Purpose and Personality Type. It helps you to chart your own personal growth and can lead you to higher levels of awareness."--AMERICAN FEDERATION OF ASTROLOGERS magazine
"My brother, an astrologer on the West Coast, raved about Ruth's way of understanding and using astrology. He and Ruth helped me to understand what it meant to me. I was astonished with the accuracy of its description of my strengths, abilities, and weaknesses. There was more of a logic to life than I had previously believed. As I evolve, I like to refer to Ruth's work. Now that she has published 'Who You Are and Why You Are Here,' even I can understand the Ray-Centered Astrology without professional consultation. Thank you, Ruth, for making this an easier and more enjoyable process. You have opened a whole new world for me."--dentist Dr. Dean A. Rosenthal, Fairport, NY
"'Who You Are and Why You Are Here' provides a map to the well of truth that's as clear as any I've ever seen. It will speak to your soul, clearly and simply and in plain English, not riddles. It is original and a blend of common sense and psychological soundness."--reviewer, author, world lecturer Donna Van Toen, Toronto, Canada
"This book has made a very technical and expansive topic on the Rays into a very readable and useful work that everyone can understand and use even if he or she has no knowledg of astrology. I honor you for your great accomplishment!"--astrologer Michel Patzer
"Ruth Mierswa has spent about a quarter of a century working in this field. This book can revolutionise your life...A profound work awakening your intuition and turning your vision toward the spiritual."--WELCOME TO PLANET EARTH magazine
"I felt low this morning, looked in your index, read the pages that applied to my problem and was uplifted. I always red highlight pages in every book which are exceptionally helpful. All pages in your book are now highlighted. A great book which can bring joy and success by contemplating on your original ideas on psychology, spirituality, astrology, healing and science."--Nancy Picarretto, Rochester, NY
"Rice Lake, WI native Ruth Stoik Mierswa has written two books on astrology since she graduated as salutatorian of the Rice Lake High school class.She says that astrology is not a religion, but is definitely spiritual."--RICE LAKE WI newspaper
"The author wrote this easy-to-use guide to one's Life Purpose and Personality Type. Readers quickly find their Sun Sign, plug in their Ascendant, find their Soul and Personality Rays and the secrets pour out--individual strengths and weaknesses, a better understanding of Karma and Reincarnation and a stronger soul-based awareness of who they are and why they are here on earth."--BOOK READER, Scotts Valley, CA
"I've never put much stock in astrology. At first when I tried her system, I was attempting to debunk it. But after I realised that it was painting a reasonably accurate picture of me, I tried the system on everybody I knew enough about. Not once was I disappointed...Mierswa has an almost motherly tone to her writing, making the reader feel right at home. On a scale of 1-10, this book rates a 9."--FAIRPORT, NY HIGH SCHOOL newspaper, reporter Chris Chester, Fairport, NY
"Your descriptions of Soul Rays and Personality Types for myself, friends, and clients were right on target. This book can be of immeasurable value when used as a tool for spiritual growth and healing. It will definitely add to (and perhaps fundamentally change) my own astrological work."--astrologer Barbara Jean Tegge, Silver City, NM
"I love the way you write--so comfortable and personal. Also your astrology reading for me was unbelievably accurate, on all areas of my life--how I see myself, how I handle myself, and how I treat others. It has helped greatly in learning to stop and think about things before I react, and correct old habits that need correcting. By just remembering and reflecting on what you said about my inherent traits has enabled me to look at myself and the world differently, and thus I can live differently. You held up a mirror for me to see myself as I truly am with your insights, and though some of what I had to look at was painful, it was necessary for my growth, and for that I am very thankful to you. You have done me a great service."--Sherry Carrol, Friendship, MD
"Thanks to your easy to understand (I know little of astrology, but easily found my Soul and Personality Rays) and insightful writing. I enjoyed your book immensely and will continue to turn through its pages in the days to come. When I read any book of this nature, I always have a yellow highlighter in my hand. Most of the pages in your book are now yellow."--Jean Noble, Camarillo, CA
"Thank you for this opportunity to learn more about myself and my purpose. For years I asked 'Who am I? Why am I here?' It was so wonderful to learn there is much more to life and the nature of God than the churches teach."--Jean Milner, Woodstock, GA
"In 'Who You And Why You Are Here,' Ruth Mierswa focuses on the question of finding our Life Purpose and Personality Type. Along the way, she explains Reincarnation and Karma and their roles in understanding how we create our own reality. This book also explains how to be unhurt by those who wrong us; how to rid ourselves of anger and guilt; how everything happens for our ultimate good; why difficult experiences are blessings in disguise; how to accept and love ourselves and everyone else; why only some people are born with talent, good health or superior intellect; and why people who have nervous breakdowns are often very highly evolved. Mierswa also offers a quiz for indentifying our level of evolvement, guidance to evolving higher, and a fascinating account of her skeptic scientist husband coming to accept her spiritual perceptions."--THE MIDWEST BOOK REVIEW
"The author suggests that we chose this earth life because we have something to contribute to this momentous cycle. This book is both accessible and highly thought-provoking."--THE JOURNAL OF SPIRITUAL ASTROLOGY
"The questions 'Who am I? and Why am I here?' have crossed everyone's mind at least once. Mierswa's beneficial system opens a whole new world to spiritually guiding you to answers. She has combined astrology, common sense, spirituality, and psychology as her foundation. She guides your soul on an evolutionary journey and leaves you feeling eternally aware and satisfied with life."--MAGICAL BLEND magazine
"'WHO YOU ARE and WHY YOU ARE HERE' finds your Life Purpose and gives many detailed original thoughts, including how we create our own reality. The author, with 30+ counselor years, is a scholar of astrology, metaphysics, and spirituality."--LIGHTWORD PUBLISHING COMPANY
"'Who You Are and Why You Are Here', a book which finds one's unique Life Purpose and Personality Type by a system developed by Ruth Mierswa which also offers much guidance for upliftment, such as in eliminating anger and guilt."--NAPRA magazine
"A valuable source of information and very thought provoking."--Blake Cahoon, AMATHEST MOON
"A new and profound level of personal and universal understanding. Beautifully opens the windows of the soul, shows the way to its love and purpose, and frees us with the vision and understanding to live and share our own sacred meaning. If you want to grow in love, live more your unique authentic self and experience the joy of expressing your own meaningful creative expression, this book is a gem."--Stephen Rogers, Auburn, CA
RAY-CENTERED ASTROLOGY developed by this author is commanding attention across eight disciplines:
ASTROLOGY: "Congratulations on a masterpiece. Ray-Centered Astrology is an excellent work of esoteric research and study."--astrologer Terance Sillett
EDUCATION: "Using Ray-Centered Astrology, we have spectacular results with understanding, learning and behaviour. We are grateful for approaching this realistically, magically and understandingly."--principal Sequoia Preparatory School and Insight child Development Center Alexandra Kolkmeyer
PHILOSOPHY: "I am greatly fascinated and enthusiastic about Ray-Centered Astrology. It is an excellent contribution for teachers, psychologists, astrologers, counselors and for everyone. I have used it for counseling with rich rewards. I am grateful to you as all the world should and will be."--philosopher, poet William Walters
SPIRITUALITY: "Very accurate, very deep and beautiful."--World Fellowship of Religions founder His Holiness Acharya Sushil Kumarji Maharaj
SCIENCE: "Ray-Centered Astrology is extremely enlightening, along with a new dimension to the more common astrological interpretive techniques."--computer technician, astrologer C. Michael Smith
METAPHYSICS: "My Virgo Moon and Ray 5 Soul have often caused me to reject many things which seem too unscientific for one of my bent...When I found your book, I cried for joy."--metaphysician, psychologist, astrologer Dr. Marion Blumenthal
PUBLISHING, LITERATURE: "It is very enlightening and comprehensive and can be a gold mine."--"WELCOME TO PLANET EARTH" publisher Mark Lerner
SEEKERS OF TRUTH: "The Seven Rays are constants in a changing universe. Just as a fine telescope enables us to see beyond the mundane, the Rays draw the mind's eye to higher dimensions which are just as real. Your book served to further my belief that you are indeed on the paths of both logic and spirit."--Claire Soule
"'Ray-Centered Astrology' is the most progmatic book available on esoteric astrology. whether used as a reference or as an introduction to the Ancient Wisdom Teachings. Any one practicing astrology or esoteric psychology will find this book a welcome addition to their library."--Lynn Muelbl, West Allis, WI
"A great book."--Irene Bouchard, Naples, NY
"Fascinating!"--editor Jim Ayers, Aurora, CO
"An excellent work."--author Jill Kramer, Santa Monica, CA
TO ORDER "Who You Are and Why You Are Here," index, xix + 291 = 311 total pages, send check or money order for $16+$3 S/H for first book US +$1 S/H for each additional one; elsewhere $16 +$3 in US dollars on US bank for first book +$1 S/H for each additional one; Send to: Ruth Mierswa, 1092 Turk Hill Road, Fairport, NY 14450. Autograph upon request. Orders sent within 24 hours.