You are a divine being who has all the power within you to be who you are. You are here on earth to find out who you really are--your unique capacity in which no one else can help others as well as you. You are here also to find and eradicate your flaws, especially all anger and guilt both on a conscious and unconscious level. Guidance for this and much else is found in the following pages. But first, why I wrote this book.
What do you do when some readers say that while parts of your first book, Ray-Centered Astrology, helped them enormously in their upliftment, but other sections were beyond their comprehension because they have never studied astrology? And when some professional astrologers tell you they would like to use your pioneering work in their practices but it would take too much time to digest your new concepts and calculations? And when some readers say your book has turned their lives completely around and you are strongly impressed to help more people in their Soul evolvement? You write another book! You take your innovative concepts and calculations from your first book and simplify them so that no knowledge of astrology is necessary for readers to benefit from he entire book. You also add ideas from your meditations that have helped in your own evolvement since writing your first book.
Whenever I become aware of a newly created work in any discipline, I am always intrigued to know why and how that new work came about. It is only fair that I divulge this some information about my book on the pioneering of a new astrology which can show one's unique Life Purpose and Personality Type and help rid one of flaws, especially the ones that create the most difficulties--anger and guilt.
Ever since I was a child, I often wondered why we are here on earth, what the meaning of life is, especially for each individual. I asked these questions to whoever would listen to me, but the answers always fell into one of two categories--"Don't ask such silly questions" and "Who knows?" To be haunted by unanswered questions from childhood can be frustrating, yet my frustrations were the impetus for a persistent search for answers. Unaware at the time, I was somehow being led step-by-step throughout the years to find answers that finally satisfied me to the depths of my being.
The first step in my search was the study of psychology and mathematics at the University of Wisconsin, followed by post-graduate work in counseling at Northwestern University. Although these studies did not answer my questions, they did give me background that I would later need.
My second step was two years of high school teaching which gave me the opportunity to meet my future husband who played an important role in my Life Purpose.
While bringing up three sons, I read psychology books from Freud to Maslow and all spiritual books I could find which do not pertain to a specific religion. After my sons no longer needed my care, I decided to spend full time searching for answers. But I didn't know where to turn. I felt frustrated, helpless and depressed.
My confusion in spiritual matters also caused great mental suffering. Brought up as a Catholic, I was taught that God is loving, fair and wise. Yet conditions all around me taught the exact opposite. Why did my mother die when I was just four years old? Why did God give me a father who was unloving? Why do many children come into this world with physical, mental or emotional incapacities while some are born with good health and a high level of intelligence? The God I knew was far from loving, fair and wise. My frustrations precipitated a definite lack of interest in living as I became occupied with these thoughts. What disturbed me the most was that I had found no answers to why we are here on earth. Aware that I now had time for searching but not knowing how to go about it, devastated me.
My husband, Richard, tried to ignite in me a spark of interest in life. He suggested I go to the book store to "pick out just one book that interests you." At that time I was interested in nothing, but because he was trying to help me, I went to the store and reached for a a book but with my eyes closed. It was "There is a River" by Thomas Sugrue, an Edgar Cayce book. When I arrived home, I tried to read it. I used all the will power I possessed to concentrate on its words. I had no sooner read to the bottom of the third page when a spark of interest ignited my whole being. I couldn't put the book down! I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning to finish it and as soon as the book store opened, I was there buying copies of all other Edgar Cayce books.
These books, along with several conferences on this work taught me many things. They opened up for me a beautiful new world that I had never known existed--a world of justice, order, beauty, love and knowledge. Suddenly, the unloving unjust and unwise god I had known all my life became the most loving, just and wise Deity beyond my wildest imagination. The Edgar Cayce readings on Reincarnation and Karma brought immense changes to my way of thinking. A heavy weight fell off my shoulders as I was beginning to understand the workings of the Universe. While these teachings did not answer my question of how to find the unique Life Purpose for each individual, they taught me the meaning of life as it applies to all people. I wanted to give to others which was given me, but I didn't know how to go about it. I asked God to show me the way.
Two days later, I came upon a statement in one of Edgar Cayce's readings that astrology is a superb tool for helping people evolve spiritually and that much astrological knowledge has been published, but the greater knowledge has not yet been written. I knew at that instant that astrology would be my life work and that through it I would somehow find answers to my life-long questions. I also knew then that my work would be a catalyst in the spiritual evolvement of myself and many others. All this went through my mind in a split second. This was indeed a peak experience after which I shouted to my husband, "That's it!" He replied, "What's it?" I told him I was going to be an astrologer.
I was not surprised that he, having spent a lifetime in scientific research, was not only shocked but severely disappointed. "Astrology is unscientific and superstitious. It is for the gullible and uneducated;" he said, "you have a brilliant mind--don't waste it on astrology." When I told him that I hoped for his moral support, but that I would pursue this study regardless, he countered, "remember, I will have nothing to do with astrology."
After studying for a year, and desiring to know at least one other person interested in astrology, I noted that instructions were offered in my area. I asked my husband to accompany me to these classes, but he didn't want to show his face among "people with such unscientific interests." Two friends agreed to go with me, but later were unable to go. My husband then said reluctantly, "I'll go with you under two conditions: that you realize the only reason I'm going is that I love you and that you will go alone after the second class." Little did he know that he would later become an astrologer himself.
On the way home from the first class, he said, "There may be something to astrology after all." Coming back from the second class, he sheepishly muttered, "You won't have to go alone to any classes. I've decided to go with you."
The study of astrology opened up for me doors to knowledge siphoned down from the heavens to humankind, to each individual as different from all others to be given by astrologers with understanding and love. The wisdom of the Universe made indelible imprints on my consciousness. I became aware that the interpretation of the placement and relationships of planets and important indices of one's horoscope, found by these positions in the heavens when one takes his or her first breath, to be aligned with one's abilities, strengths and weaknesses. I scrutinised my own horoscope and those of all my relatives and friends I knew well and found in every case that the interpretations were the same as what I knew to be true. After years of intense study and contemplation, I became a successful professional astrologer.
The final step in my search was the study of the 24 volumes of the Alice Bailey books, 19 which were dictated by the Master Djwal Khul. The many years of this study were interspersed with taking and graduation of two metaphysical correspondence courses. At last, I found what I had searched for! I knew then why we are here on earth and that each of us has a special mission that no one else can perform as well. These books gave me glimpses of Ageless Wisdom to be meditated on and used to uplift those who want to know who they are and why they are here. I knew then that I could create a system of finding one's unique Soul's Purpose. When I came across in one Alice Bailey book that before the end of the century there would be an astrology of the Rays, I instantly knew that my Soul's Purpose was to develop this new astrology.
When I told my husband what I planned to do, he was not only amazed but couldn't believe what I was saying. He told me there was no question in his mind as to my ability to accomplish a task of this magnitude, but that I would never finish it. He said, "You have so little self-confidence in your abilities." I told him, "that was the past; this is the present and I will work on it until it is finished." He did not believe me and remarked, "I don't want to see you hurt, but if you decide to go ahead with this project, remember that I want nothing to do with it." This was his left brain speaking. Having earned a living as a scientist, he was sceptical of everything until he had some semblance of proof--in this case proof of my potential success.
But he also had an enhanced right brain. He was unusually intuitive and psychic, often seeing entities in the spirit realm and hearing them speak. There is scientific research proving that one's facial features indicate certain capacities. My husband looked so much like the late renowned psychic Edgar Cayce that on one occasion when we visited the Association of Research and Enlightenment (The Edgar Cayce Institute), a person who knew Edgar Cayce approached my husband asking, "Who are you?" He late apologised explaining that he thought my husband was Edgar Cayce materialised.
As is always the case, when one has both superior left and right hemispheres, the right brain which houses the higher mind (abstract, intuitive, psychic) gives greater credence than the left lower mind (concrete, scientific, rational). So it was with Richard. Only two days after he said he would have nothing to do with my project, he completely changed his stance. After meditation this particular evening, he said, "I want you to know that I will do everything in my power to help you accomplish your task." This time, I couldn't believe what he was saying.
He went on, "An entity appeared to me who is your spiritual teacher. He said the reason you have so much confidence in your ability is that he put that thought strongly in your mind when you read that the astrology of the Rays would find its rightful place in human thought before the end of the century. He added that a council had been formed in the higher spiritual planes and he was chosen to find an earthling to write a book on the astrology of the Seven Rays. He studied horoscopes of astrologers and looked into their minds and hearts and gave you first choice."
I began writing my first manuscript in 1977, the same year that Chiron was discovered. It is a fact that every heavenly body and every new phase of any discipline is discovered when humanity is ready to benefit from its energies. Chiron, found between Saturn (materialism and the personality) and Uranus (the soul and it urges), is a Rainbow Bridge from the personality to the Soul. Ray-Centered Astrology is a new phase of astrology (also a Rainbow Bridge from the personality to the Soul) which can tune in to everyone's Life Purpose through a detailed knowledge of the Seven Rays.
With this, my second book, one's unique Purpose of Life can be revealed to all--from those who have never opened an astrology book to dedicated practicing astrologers. It is the result of requests from readers, both astrologers and non-astrologers, of my scholarly published book, "Ray-Centered Astrology," for a simplified version of finding one's unique Soul's Purpose and Personality Type with guidelines for manifesting along with explanations for upliftment. Also, to satisfy my own soul yearnings.
Astrology is now becoming less concerned with the self-centered personality and more with the soul. Humankind is now ready for this new astrology of the soul. Proofs of its validity are given in the last chapter including six studies, four bar graphs and at the end of Chapters One through Seven.
TO ORDER Who You Are and Why You Are Here, xix + 291 = 311 pages total with index, send check or money order for $16+$3 S/H for first book US +$1 S/H each additional one; elsewhere $16 +$3 S/H in US dollars on US bank for first book +$1 S/H each additional; To: Ruth Mierswa, 1092 Turk Hill Road, Fairport, NY 14450.